February 2023

NASA Is Testing Rotating Detonation Engines

     I have posted about rotating detonation propulsion systems before. There has been ongoing research that needs an update. Explosions get more energy out of a given amount of fuel than simple combustion. However, your engine must be able to withstand the stress. NASA believes that the rotating detonation engine (RDE) could be the future of deep space missions.

Nuclear Reactor 1129 - The Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant Construction Project Was Not Harmed By The Recent 7.6 Earthquake in Turkey

     There have been no reports of damage to the Akkuyu nuclear power plant after two big earthquakes struck Turkey. The project teams says that after safety checks, construction is continuing.

The University of Florida Will Lead A New Project On Nuclear Forensics

    The University of Florida (U of F) will head a new twenty five million dollars, sixteen university team of thirty one scientists and engineers. This team will work to develop new techniques and the training of future specialists in nuclear forensics. This discipline identifies and tracks of nuclear materials to support global safety.

Nuclear Weapons 810 - Five Island Nations Might Be Able To Grow Sufficient Food During A Nuclear Winter Following A Nuclear War

      Nuclear famine is a hypothesized famine considered a potential threat following global or regional detonations or nuclear weapons. It is thought that even subtle cooling effects resulting from a regional nuclear exchange could have a significant impact on agriculture production, triggering a food crisis amongst the world's survivors.
