November 2021

Covid Vaccines for Cats

As animal advocates ask for Covid-19 vaccines for zoo animals and pets, experts say that the vaccines, while developed for animals, may not always be necessary. We've seen zoo animals sadly pass away from Covid, and it turns out that the vaccine they are given was originally developed for companion animals--dogs--in the first place. The reason it's not being made into a priority is an encouraging one: our companion animals aren't as affected by the disease as we are.

Who You Gonna Call?

As critics rave about the latest Ghostbusters film, I can't help but feel let down. I want to see it, to be sure, but I loved Ghostbusters: Answer the Call SO much, and really wanted to see the follow-up film. Internet trolls made sure to kill any chance of that, issuing so many rotten reviews before seeing the film in the first place, and now we'll never get to see what would happen should they work together again. 

80s Rockers Coming to a Stage Near You

Every time you turn around lately, you hear about another 80s band coming to town. As wary as I am about gathering in a crowd, I have to admit I'd love to see any of these performers, especially since it's been years since we've been able to attend a concert in the first place. My family actually has tickets to two concerts that have been rescheduled multiple times since then. 

Family Guy Stocking Stuffers

Have you started your holiday shopping yet, Family Guy fans? Somehow it's already mid-November and many of us are just now realizing it's time to get those holiday gifts, especially if we want them in time for Christmas. There are so many cute Family Guy stocking stuffers this year that it would be easy to just make an entire stocking of Family Guy goodies.

The Best Dish of 2021

When I heard that newspapers weren't issuing restaurant critiques to help keep them afloat during 2021, I thought it was a really great gesture of community. Some of my favorite places have had to close and it absolutely breaks my heart. As the best dishes of the year are being announced, you have to wonder if any of those restaurants would've placed among them prior to the pandemic.

The Freakiest Things About Living in 2021

These are unprecedented times. We all keep saying that, but it's only going to keep getting weirder for us all. Billionaires are literally going to space while the middle class shrinks and shrinks. There is a "worker shortage" that's really a low-key strike against poor wages, combined with lots of covid-related deaths and illnesses that have left people disabled.

Poetry Slams

Poetry slams have unfortunately fallen to the side in many communities lately, whether due to the pandemic or lack of interest. While I've tried to generate some interest, the youth in our clubs and groups just don't seem to be very interested. It's a bummer, but I don't think we should push interests on people if they really aren't into them much.

Medicine for Your Mind

When I was a teenager, there was such a stigma against therapy. Nobody wanted anyone to know if they went, and nobody certainly wanted to go in the first place. When I was referred to my guidance counselor, she sent me to a therapist who saw me once, sent me to a psychiatrist, and ensured that I received meds within five minutes. Wow, right? I'm hoping that more people are actually getting seen and having the opportunity to talk through their problems than that, especially if they need it like I know I did at 17.

Best Gifts for Pets

After seeing the adorable holiday advent countdown calendars for dogs and cats at Trader Joe's, I knew it was time to start looking for gifts for our pets this year! We normally do something simple for our pets, such as a toy for each critter, and this year we are looking for something fun for our chickens, too. But I know lots of fur baby parents love to go all out and get some pretty spectacular gifts for their animals, too!

Cryptid Gifts for the Holiday Season

Cryptid creatures have always been popular, especially when it comes to monsters like Nessie and Bigfoot. But lately, they're experiencing a bit of a Renaissance and people, especially kids and teens, are all about learning about each state's signature creature and collecting everything from figures and toys to posters and stuffed animals and I am so happy to be here for it! In another life, I would have chosen to be a cryptozoologist, so I love this fascination with unknown animals, fake or not.

Holiday Drinks for Gift-Giving

When it comes to giving generic gifts to people you don't always see or who are hard to buy for, I love to go with food ideas as long as I know their restrictions and preferences. Food and drinks can be nourishing or plain fun, and they bring joy to a lot of people. Holiday drinks for gift-giving can be alcohol-based or not, and they can bring a wonderful feeling of good cheer and warmth to the recipient.

Spiced Cranberry Beverages

In the past, I've always loved cranberry-flavored beverages, particularly the annual cranberry lemon-lime soda. Unfortunately, I'm also trying to limit my sugar intake, which means that I can't often have most cranberry drinks for the holidays. I will have a little treat here or there but ultimately it's not something I'm going to "waste" my sugar allotment on if it's a beverage.

A Little Bit of Sparkle

A little bit of sparkle in the garden, particularly during the winter months, is so pretty, especially if you weave it in naturally, but what about ethically? As much as I love glitter, I can't justify it being used, especially if it's not biodegradable. Luckily there are lots of alternative ways to get that pretty sparkle without glitter gluing all of your garden essentials.

Fun New Holiday Craft Ideas

My kiddo and I try to make a lot of crafts during the holiday season, but the days where we are able to make something new every day are long past us. Between our busy schedules, whether my teen is in a crafty mood or not (not to mention whether I am or not!) and our other plans, we aren't always able or even willing. But it does usually help us create some of our most memorable holiday moments, which I'm always grateful to have.

Cookie Butter Recipes

Every year for my birthday, we go to Trader Joe's and get some gorgeous soup dumplings, along with a few other snacks. Then I get to read or play in my journal with said snacks and it's, well, glorious. It might sound silly, but TJ's is a bit of a trek for us. It's less than an hour away, but it's not near any of our usual stops, so lately it's even rarer for us to stop by. We really need one in town (much more than we need all of the fast food chains popping up around here!), but until then, it's one of my annual quests.

Easy Cookie Butter Cake

These days, we need our desserts quick and accessible. Many of us are struggling, so it's important we can turn to something we love and find joy as quickly as possible. Mug cakes are a great way to do this and create just enough cake in your kitchen where you can have a little treat without scarfing down an entire cake. Win-win, right?

Froggy Gifts for The Holiday Season

It pains me to say the holiday season is already upon us. Fall is just flying by, and while I love the holiday season, it feels like I blinked and fall was over! The unseasonably warm temperatures are partly to blame, I'm sure. So now it's time to plan those holiday shopping lists, if it's not a little late already! Many are trying to get ahead early given how slow the postal service is running.

Building Back Better

Originally I wanted to share this petition today in order to get the Build Back Better act that includes the expanded tax credit, paid family leave, universal pre-K, better healthcare and paths to immigration and more, and this is still SO important, so please do sign and share it. But now that one of the candidates I'm following locally is reassuring me that we can win the next election, my thoughts are elsewhere.
