January 2022

Act on These Causes This Week

Here are a few issues to be aware of, take action on and spread the word about this week.

The Women's Health Protection Act: We all know this should be worded a bit differently, I hope, as the act also protects anyone else with a uterus. This act is meant to protect people with a uterus from unwanted pregnancies by making the right to choose protected federally. Click the link to learn more and take action.

Family Guy Finds at 5 Below

Family Guy merch is widely available online, but it's not often seen in all of the brick and mortar stores. Not so at 5 Below! My family and I have frequently seen Family Guy Merch at the store alongside other fun pop culture gifts and it's usually a great place to find Family Guy-themed goodies for everyone who likes them.

New Drinks to Try in 2022

Each year there seem to be more drinks than ever saturating the market, and 2022 is no exception. This year there are so many flavorful drinks coming out that it's easy to find a few that you might want to sample. Petal is at the top of my list. This low-sugar, caffeine-free sparkling drink comes in a bunch of delicious-sounding flavors, like Peach Marigold Basil and Lemongrass Dandelion Strawberry.

Drinks for Those Sick Days

Last week my partner caught a terrible stomach bug--probably rotavirus, but who knows these days?--and was better in a few days after plenty of rest, fluids and care. Today I'm on day four of my virus adventure and I just keep getting worse. Unfortunately, there's no treatment for rotavirus outside of hydration, and as much as I'm sipping away, my stomach can't seem to handle it.

Multi-tasking Can Lower IQ Levels

As a chronic multi-tasker who has definitely fed a baby while attending a meeting online, baking a potato in the microwave (that totally got cold) and assisted a sibling and her then-boyfriend with graduation speeches via DM all at once, I am well aware that you don't get anything done as well as you might while single-tasking--but those of us who've been in this situation (Oh, I also had a chemistry experiment on the kitchen table since I was finishing college at the time, too!) know that sometimes it really is unavoidable.

Self-Care Apps to Foster Better Mental Health

Whether feeling the effects of so much stress during a global pandemic and political division or just struggling to fit in minimal self-care due to a busy schedule or caring for others, most folks could use a little support when it comes to mental health and self-care these days. Several apps have been developed to encourage self-care, and since many people are typically not far from their phones, these apps and their alarms can be more helpful to some folks than other types of reminder systems.

The Most Unique Valentine's Gift

Folks searching for the most unique Valentine's Day gift ever may find what they're seeking at the Bronx Zoo. As unlikely a place as that sounds for a lover's gift source, the zoo is offering something much more unusual than chocolates or flowers this year. Their Name a Roach gifts allow people to pay to name a hissing cockroach after their beloved(s)! Why? Because "roaches are forever." It's...

Radioactive Waste 836 - Supreme Court To Review Decision Of Ninth Circuit Court With Respect To Washington State Workers Compensation

     The U.S. Supreme Court has announced that it will consider the federal government’s challenge to a Washington state worker’s compensation law in a case that could have costly consequence for U.S. government contracts involving hazardous work on federal property.
